The Kimbanguist Psaulms

  Note:  In the Kimbanguist church songs are not composed , they come by a divine inspiration. through the power of the Holy spirit, gifted people capture songs inspired by God the father, God the son ,God the Holy spirit and Angels. They come by visions and dreams . The kimbanguist songs are God's messages which he provides to his people for a better awarness and to help us understand his will on earth.

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 The Kimbanguism Is The Hope Of The World

I Simon Kimbangu, I'm The Special Envoy of The Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit, The spirit of truth. Read the Bible Carefully and Find My Identity. If you have doubt, I Urge you to Kneel down and pray a lot then i will Reveal myself to you. Note that the lord Jesus Christ came in human form. He was at the same time Human and Spiritual. The same as me Simon Kimbangu.

JOHN 14:15-17
JOHN 14: 12
JOHN 16:5-15 GALATIANS 5:16-18