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   Mother Kimpa Vita's influence and the Kongolese Roots around the World

 Mother KIMPA VITA 1684-1706

        Founded in the 13th century by the INDOMPTABLE NIMI LUKENI, the Kongo Kingdom was the first European penetration in 1482 by the Portuguese DON DIEGO CAO, Member of the order of Christ of PRINCE HENRY the Navigator. Historical documents state that he was looking for a route to the Indies, yet some whisper that Portuguese explorers of the order of Christ (a branch of Freemasonry) were in possession of a mirror through which they discovered most of the land. So, in the same way that the Magi discovered the birth of Christ by a star, also in the same way those Portuguese explorers discovered the Kongo Kingdom which shone a very large star. The Portuguese were surprised and baffled by the social and political organization of this Kingdom and especially the refinement of the Court of the King. The Kongo Kingdom will establish a relationship with Portugal; this relationship will lead to trade. Kongo receives manufactured goods, while the Portugal import slaves and exotic food, then the Portugal will impose its religion, Christianity, by sending missionaries, while the KONGOS already believed in God, NZAMBI-A-MPUNGU (the almighty God). In reality the Kongo believed in a Trinity to form one. God of knowledge LUKANKANSI (Supreme God in heaven), NZAMBI (God of the Earth), KALUNGA God of waters and hidden things as said among Catholics, the father the son and the Holy Spirit. Source:


     By imposing the Christianity in KONGO, the Portuguese began to destroy the ancestral customs, better say the divine teachings transmitted by the ancestors for centuries. The Portuguese missionaries were the true artisans of European settlement which led to enlarge slavery in their countries trade and prepare the source of new wealth. The missionaries, particularly the Capuchins, who are the pioneers of the Christianization of the Kongo Kingdom, were powerful in the Court of Mani Kongo. The slave trade by the colonists will operate a huge demographic puncture and significantly destabilize the political entities and the Kongo Corporation. The arrival of missionaries would have been only the start of an economic and social ruin. Several heads of provinces quarreled power for three decades. In 1694 the King PEDRO IV nevertheless legitimized and recognized by all the dignitaries will withdraw North of SAO SALVADOR, leaving the city abandoned. In the year 1703 at KIBENGA, an old woman named Mother APOLONIA MAFUTA had a vision of Mary, mother of JESUS. She went to announce to the people of her vision of the Virgin Mary "I saw the Virgin Mary, and his son JESUS, they are black, they are SURROUNDED by black SAINT" And Jesus was angry against the Kongo; it was to punish the Kongo if they did not occupy the city of Sao Salvador.)

       The old MAFUTA discovered a stone in the shape of human head not far from Mount kibangu; she said that it was the head of Jesus. While she preached, a large crowd surrounded it. She denounced witchcraft and all negative objects or "NKISI". It should be noted that at this time white Christian Church was called by the Congolese "NZO A NKISI" (House of magic) and the "NKANDA NKISI" bible (Book of magic). MAMA MAFUTA also considered priests’ medals as made of NKISI (magic). It was not only Christian, but also against the use of Kongo witchcraft, evil purposes that brought jealousy and the civil war. Mother MAFUTA had seen the cross of priests Capuchins as an object of domination in the Kingdom. The cross and images of white Christ constituted a powerful fetish used by missionaries. Mother MAFUTA had operated miracles. Once she had cured a woman of a snake bite just by touching and reciting the name of the Trinity knowledge LUKANKASI, NZAMBI and KALUNGA. The Capuchin priests approached King PEDRO IV and brought pressure to stop MAFUTA and deliver her to the white priests to test her doctrine. In fact, they sought a way to eliminate her because she threatened the Church of whites who controlled the Royal power.
           In August 1704, a 20-year-old girl named KIMPA VITA had a vision of a man who told him: "I am Saint Antony, I was sent by God to bring his teaching to the Kongos. He attested that, I have long tried to help these people, ranging from province to province, I first was to NZETO they did not receive me that well. Then I went to SOYO, they wanted to beat me. I fled and I arrived in BULA, the same thing happened to me. "Currently, I ‘am here at Kibangu and I have chosen you. Then." Saint-Antony took possession of the body of the young KIMPA VITA; this girl was a native of Mount Kibangu watered by 5 rivers. According to Kongo tradition, the place where flows a river is a sacred place, because it is the boundary between the real world and the invisible world (forest and water also). The young KIMPA VITA was spiritually powerful. KIMPA VITA announced to his family, her vision. They will then share the divine order that she had received to preach the true religion of the KONGO. KIMPA VITA began preaching on Mount kibangu, the sacred mountain and then was moving to the royal palace to request King PEDRO IV to join in order to pray the true Jesus to restore the Kingdom that was plagued by war, dissension and social tears.
According to Father BERNARDO DA GALLO, "the trees twisted and fall down then rose to the PASSAGE of KIMPA VITA. It is known by a simple touching; the young woman helped those who were unable to get pregnant or any kind of circumstances. KIMPA VITA said that whites were bleaching God for their benefit; she said that a new Kingdom will rise and will rebuild the city, (Meeting houses).

     KIMPA VITA had said that the Holy Land is the Kongo, the father of churches was of African, he is the most important of all the saints, he is the patron of the humble and the poor. KIMPA VITA also confirmed the teachings of Mother MAFUTA, the first to have seen the Virgin Mary in the Kongo land as being true. But The teachings of Capuchins according to which the Church originated from Europe was so erroneous, was the "BUNGUNGU". The history of Church is an African one. In the true history of Kongo, JESUS CHRIST was born in MBANZA KONGO. When the Catechism talk on Bethlehem, is indeed Mbanza Kongo. Jesus was baptized in Nazareth, but in fact Jesus was baptized in northern province of NSundi. Marie was a slave of NZIMBA MPANGI when she had the divine child Jesus Christ. KIMPA VITA was always surrounded by an immense crowd. She was determined to restore the Kongo Kingdom. Her message was an awakening revival in the Kongo kingdom.



     FATHER BERNARDO DA GALLO, powerful a Court of the King considered kimpa vita movement as threatening to their religion. Because many had abandoned white churches as Kimpa vita preached the true religion and the true Christ., kimpa vita had become a considerable threat which could lead to the colonist's church fall, the defeat of European Christian theology, therefore, loss of control of the Kingdom by the missionaries, they had to find a tip to eliminate her.  Kimpa vita was burn July 2, 1706, she died with the name of true Jesus in her mouth and a great Star appeared at the place of her SACRIFICE. Kimpa vita was to reincarnate somewhere in the KONGO, a few days after his execution someone had indeed overview kimpa vita in mbanza Kongo.
       For the restoration of the Kongo Kingdom. In any case mother KIMPA VITA had a very huge influence after her death. Many PRISSONNIERS that were sold as slaves were of the ANTONIENS (Followers of mother Kimpa Vita church). Father Lorenzo da Luca who was traveling with the ship “Nossa Senora Do Cabo had noted that lots of slaves had medals of the Antonian movement. Even those slaves who were brought to Brazil in 1705 were from Kongo kingdom), according to JOHANNES MENNE POSTMA in (THE DUTCH IN THE ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE, 1600-1815, appendix 1 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS1990) Kongo slave trading was led to SURINAMIN Jamaica, BARBADOS, ANTIGUA, in Virginia (USA) A PORT YORK then in the JAMES RIVER VALLEY. The Congolese were working in the coffee plantations. A great number of those who were sent to HAITI, South CAROLINE (USA) and New ORLEANS (Louisiana). Most of them brought their culture and the religion of mother KIMPA VITA.
     American PETER WOOD historian in (NEGRO COLONIAL SOUTH CAROLINA FROM 1670 THROUGH THE STONO REBELION (New - York 1974) explains that more than 60% of slaves in the CAROLINE (North and South) were from the Kongo kingdom. In 1739 Americans settlers of South Carolina where concentrated mostly by Congolese slaves, referring to the presence of slaves who had mystical qualities and many spiritual gift). They had the quality of mystical disappearance or to be seen in several places both. JHON THORNTON of the University of Pennsylvania also confirms that all Christians of the South Carolina slave were converts to Kongo religion which they considered as original. (FC john Thornton, the Congolese saint Anthony, Chapter 9, Cambridge university press 1998). On the 9th of January 1739, in South Carolina a Congolese slave known by the name of Cato or JEMMY was the head of uprising of slaves. It was known as "THE STONO REBELLION OF SEPTEMBER the 9th 1739" this lift was considered as the highest lifting of slaves in the history of the North America, Jemmy, the leader of the revolt, was a literate slave described as Angolan, which likely meant from the kingdom of Kongo in Central Africa. Jemmy and several other leaders of the revolt probably had experience using firearms in Africa during Kongo's suppression of the Mbamba revolt. Source: http://www.carolana.com/SC/Royal_Colony/sc_stono_rebellion.html

It is from the stono revolution that the settlers of North America have ceased to import Kongo slaves. According to JHON THORNTON (in THE CONGOLESE SAINT ANTHONY P213 most of the 1791- 1804 Haitian Revolutionaries were from KONGO. They were singing in Kikongo language "Kanga MUNDELE, Kanga NDOKI" (catch white, catch evil. The Haitian revolutionaries had inflicted a crushing defeat of the napoleon army. In this revolutionary many talk about a certain MANKANDALA, name transform by Westerners as MACK DAL who was a great revolutionary originated from the Kongo kingdom, he had run a large number of English, and this revolution gave birth to the first black Republic in the history. They are also Haitian people who assisted SIMON BOLIVAR in his fight against the Spanish, which led them to a victory and the liberation from the Spanish colonial ruling of 5 countries in Latin America in 1816. the Kongo in Haiti are concentrated in the North. source: http://www.macandal.org/paper.html

In Jamaica, the black population is divided in two parts, the maroon's nation and nation bongo Kongo. The maroon nations are native of West Africa. The Kongo bongo nation is concentrated in eastern Jamaica, they speak very similarly to Kikongo language, and they are descendants of Kongo who arrived in Jamaica in the 18 centuries. Their musical rhythm called KUMINA, or KODONGO and their drum is called NGOMA which they use to invoke the spirits of the ancestors. They still recognize that the true Jesus was black as they kept the Kongo knowledge. Source: http://mountalvernia.tripod.com/id17.html

The first slaves who arrived in Brazil in 1705 were from Kongo. The Kongo people of Brazil called Zumbi the first leader of the movement of liberation of blacks in Brazil, one of the pioneers of the QUILOMBOS (independent of the black communities)
Are very famous. CONDOMBELE DO KONGO, it is a dance in honor of God and SAINTS who are presented as being black, saint Francis etc., practitioners of CANDOMBELE believe in Jesus Christ, fathers of Church as black. Source: http://jg.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/docs/SlaveResistance_RSlenes.pdf

In Cuba, (1513) the first slaves came from Haiti. Then in 1520, 300 slaves came from KONGO to work in the gold mines of Jagua. They have continued their religious practices of the Kongo kingdom. In fact, Kongo it is a way to communicate with spirits.
During the independence war of Cuba or Spanish-American war, there are also native of the Kongo kingdom who illustrate the legendary "GRITO DE YARA "cry of YARA, MARIANO GANGA, DOMINGO MACUA, FELIPE MACUA, MAYIMBE JOSE DOLORES, AMBROSIA CONGO, FELIPE GANGA, LORENZO GANGA without forgetting MA DOLORES IZNAGA the slave GANGA who cured slaves traditionally."" Source: http://www.ife-ile.org/traditions/congo.htm

In Mexico, VENEZUELA, Colombia, Argentina, Suriname and the BARBADOS black communities practice also PALO MAYOMBE, which has a Kongo connotation and practices of mother kimpa vita church. In the Mexican black revolutionary history, they talked about a certain GASPAR YANGA and his son NANGA; on a page net it is written that they were Gabonese. But through some research, it was found that they were from the Kongo kingdom. It is to note that Mexico had a black appoint President VICENTE GUERRERO, Commander of the army of Mexico (1823). In 1824 the first black president of Mexico 1829, 1830, was known from Afro Indian origin because lots of slaves are mixed with the Indians to give an afro-Indian race. In Brazil for example lot of Kongo slaves are mixed with Indian. Source: http://www.johntoddjr.com/86%20Yanga/yanga01.htm

     "But all of these Afro American Congolese of today are spread in the negative by losing staining and customs left by Congolese slaves mixing Yoruba rituals, those of Benin (Africa) and Indians who are more in Evil practice. They are spread all over the United States of America. MY brothers of Kongo I can ASSERT with clear EVIDENCE that you must be proud to have been the pioneers of the largest lift of slaves in all of the North American History "the revolution of 9 September 1739 stono" under the spiritual influence of mother Kimpa vita. Be also proud to having been the pioneer of the revolution in Haiti. You have been pioneers of the movement of liberation of blacks in Brazil and CUBA under the trace of mother Kimpa vita’s teachings. She is the mother of the black church. her influence continues to be seen in the American continent, to the South as in the North. My brothers it is so great to know the root of the humanity. Africa is historically rich, but 70 percent of its true history is untold. Because it reveals the truth. Plan to travel in order to see the source of the humanity. This was just to explain how important the Kongo kingdom is and continue to be until openly revealed. And also remember that the continuity of all these is the Kimbanguism. Study the Kimbanguism you will be well instructed to know God secrets as the holy spirit himself is leading his people to the fulfilment of God promise. Now back to the main topic………..