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The Wisdom

 The Responsibility Of a Good Father In The Family

The Creation Of Man

Genesis 1:26

 Then God Said '' Let us create man in our image, according to our resemblance and that it dominate"

 It Must be That , He is Irreproachable

 He must be the husband of one woman; sober, moderate, resolved in his conducts, hospitable,  has the education. It must be that he is not either addicted to wine or violent but lenient, pacific etc....

1 Tim 3:2-3


The bible teaches us that man was created with skills that would make him be a good leader of the family. He should reasonably take decisions in accordance with the will of God and be a model with regard to the commitments of God

 Roles of man in a family

- He is the head of the family. He is the first to know God and help his family understand God's desire and conducting the family accordingly

- He is the husband of one woman and the head of the woman. He must not be aggressive to his wife. He must forgive his wife when mistaken. He must give her affection. Be kind and honest in a married life and avoid conflicts . He or She cannot get drunk. He must love his wife endless until death

- He must work for his family

 In conclusion, the bible is telling us in the book of Jeremiah 17: 7-8

Blessed are those who trust in the lord and have made the lord their hope and confidence. they are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green , and they go right on producing delicious fruits