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  A brief Clarification on the Nicea council led by Emperor Constantine in Egypt

        Jesus Christ existence has always questionably been very unclear in people's minds since the past generations until now. Nothing proves that the lord Jesus Christ is actually what people of this world illustrates to be. There are no pictures, no documentations or tangible evidence that would allow people to understand and know who Jesus really was. The intelligent people of this world made a creed on their dignity and interest to change Jesus' originality and existence. Through the history not revelation, the Council of Nicaea 325 Ad explains how this meeting held by Emperor Constantine and 318 bishops from Roman Catholic sat down and passed laws and imposed people to believe on a made-up image of Jesus. The ecumenical councils which lasted two months and twelve days legally convened assemblies of the ecclesiastical dignitaries and theological experts (Roman Catholic) gathered for the express purpose of discussing matters of church doctrine and discipline. Over twenty councils were convened between 325 to 1870 AD.
The so-called theological experts created laws on what you are allowed to think, to say and what you are allowed to preach. They also came up with a creed to create Jesus that people worship nowadays. Serapis image was made as Jesus. According to the history ARIUS of Libya as a black man was against their plots of inventing Jesus (Serapis Christus) “Greco Roman”. Arius clarified that we are worshipping the image that was made by people’s hands and even clarified more on Jesus matters. Arius statement really caused such a problem for that clergy coalition that invented Jesus' ministry of these days.
For the sake of the Roman Empire stability, Constantine called the Council of Nicaea. The main objective was to stop Arius because he was telling the truth. Constantine rapidly ordered Serapis to become Jesus. He also ordered all books to be burn in order to get rid of the evidence. He made Sylvester as a pope (black man). But he was forced to lean on Constantine rulings and was used to proclaim Constantine wishes and then turned against Arius who was against worshiping idols. They started gradually removing all black presence in Egypt by replacing them by whites. Here is the creed:
We believe in one God the father all powerful, maker of things both seen and unseen. And in one lord Jesus Christ the son of God, the only begotten from the father, that is from the substance of the father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made, consubstantial with the father through whom all things came to be , both those in heaven and those in earth, for human and salvation he came down and became incarnated, became human, suffered and rose on the third day, went up to judge the living and the dead. Actually, this was Arius argument which they introduced in the creed. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11044a.htm, http://www.thenazareneway.com/yeshua_jesus_real_name.htm, http://biggestcults.wordpress.com/category/roman-catholicism/, http://www.truthbeknown.com/pliny.htm.

It is clear and evident that, we see what we have been given to see. We see through the lens that were assigned to us. Now in order for those who have been misled to begin to see correctly, they must have a clear analytical understanding of the origin, strategies, mechanism, purpose and the methods of the devices that has blinded us in the first place. To know God secrets, there is no need of seating down discussing or finding ways to make people believe on imaginary human calculation. But God always acts on who he wants to act on. Who is going to believe us as we are considered as less credible? Those who are credible always are leading us in the wrong direction without other people knowing it. But we have to remember that there are lots of surprising things ahead of us when everything will come to light. We have eyes, but we don’t see. We have hearings but we don’t listen. The lord himself will act. Jesus really existed but his historical originality and existence was changed by people.
Africa attracts things that pretend to God. That is why they used things that pretend to God to snare Africans. Lie covered the true history of the humanity for a better forgetfulness. Africa is really the beginning of everything. But inside Africa there is a place where everything started. Today Egypt has become the source of human civilization according to the history. But Egyptians know that the Kongo kingdom is greater than Egypt, because the basin of the Congo River that includes Kongo Angola, Kongo Kinshasa and Kongo Brazzaville is a very strategical region politically, economically and spiritually. A place where all pharoes lived before moving to Egypt. A place where Jesus who was black lived. A place of God revelations and prophecies. A place where Adam and Eve were created. A place where the New Jerusalem is located. A place where God revelations will be fulfilled. A place where the holy spirit who is Father Simon Kimbangu was born in order to complete God mission on earth in this fourth generation. A place where Diego Cao had begun his first mission of exploring Africa. A place where slavery started. A place where the colonists were very tough on slavery because they knew that material and spiritual things, they were looking for were in the Kongo Kingdom.

The Kongo kingdom existed before Egypt was created. In the next chapters we are going to explain how people were scattered and begun to create all of the countries that we see today in Africa. This explanation may create doubt in people’s mind because we believe on things that had already been planted in our heads. Just think of something that had been altered in the past generations, what will the outcome for the present generation be? It is clear that the result will be to follow the same misleading. That is why the lord Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit who would never mislead anybody, but to reveal the truth to the world. (John 5:5-15)
The Holy Spirit is the one who knows the past, the present and the future. Talking about Jesus existence, in the Kongo Kingdom came a woman prophet who revealed the truth on Jesus. Kimpa vita revealed that the lord Jesus Christ was from the Kongo kingdom. Just because of her powerful God mission in the Kongo Kingdom and her true revelation on Jesus' existence, she was burn at the stake by the Portuguese colonists in order to get rid of Jesus evidence. She also revealed that in days to come Kimbangu will be born in Kongo. He will be invincible and will restore the broken link between God and his beloved people. Exactly in 1921 came just as revealed, the greatest master who rescued, predicted and continue to predict, revealed and continue to reveal at the same time the one who will fulfill God’s promise on earth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimpa_Vita,
In this fourth generation the almighty God is revealing his secrets to his beloved people. This time, the virgin Maria revealed an important message on July the 13th 1917 to Lucie in Fatima (Portugal) that God is black, and Jesus is a black African. He lived in northern part of Angola which is the Kongo kingdom. Also, the Pope John the 2nd on his trip to Kenya in 1980 (Africa), gave an important statement on God and Jesus existence. He declared that God is black, and Jesus Christ is a black African. The pope insisted on Africans to seek for their true identity. Source: Cf Journal ( Jeune Afrique # 135 issued in 1990)

Father Simon Kimbangu revealed the second coming of the lord Jesus Christ

Father Simon Kimbangu was also asked by the colonists on the lord Jesus's second coming. His answer was clear by saying that he was originally black and will come back as a black man. The colonist judges were stunned to hear that. (John 16:13-15) From there, they multiplied torturing him. Here is a question to ask. Among the colonists, they were also missionaries who were preaching the lord gospel on their ways and imaginations. If they were indeed the true servants of God, they should team up and help Father Simon Kimbangu on his divine mission. (1Peter 2: 4-8) Because he came for a special mission to redeem the oppressed people under the ruling of the colonists and for the entire humanity on earth to embrace the guidance that leads to eternal life. But in the contrary, they also turned against him as they worked in connection with the colonists. (1Peter 2:20-25) We have to remember that the truth and lie will never get along. Lie will permanently remain as lie, but the truth will prevail and soon be revealed. Seeing is believing.
Father Simon Kimbangu was also asked while he was being sentenced that, you revealed that all colonists will soon be leaving Congo and the entire African soil, is that right? Kimbangu answered yes it will be happening; you will see it. The judge laughed at him and replied, Kimbangu look at how our army is well equipped, you don’t have no army that will defeat and take us out of the Congo and the entire Africa. Kimbangu replied, the lord will send his army to attack you and get you out of Congo (2 peter 3:3-6). This was a true revelation that Father Simon Kimbangu prophesized. Few years after his death, father Simon Kimbangu sent only three Armageddon soldiers who fought against the entire colonists in Congo. These Armageddon soldiers were described as black powerful men, very short ones but were very powerful to defeat all colonist's army in Congo. Here is how, just one Armageddon soldier was able to control a huge part of the region and fought against them and won. It was the same as the other soldiers. People left everything rushing to get to the nearest airport to get the plane and leave Congo. God never lies. It just happened as predicted. The Belgian authorities have all of these evidence in their files. They even took pictures of those soldiers as you can see one of the soldiers now in image. Click Here
Some may be wondering how the name colonists is always mentioned. The answer would simply be that the Kimbanguism history is linked to that. Because they were the ones who tortured Father Simon Kimbangu just as Jewishes did to Jesus according to the history. This doesn’t show any act of hatred but yes, the history should be explained to people. Kimbangu himself taught on nonviolence, race equality, love and respect to others. Note that the power of God is incomparable to human. Kimbangu was not a prophet as he was named by the colonists; he stood up and told them that he was the lord’s messenger, the special envoy of the lord at the same time the Holy Spirit who is the third person in the trinity. A prophet has a specific mission. But the Holy Spirit mission remains forever till the fulfillment of God promise to be accomplished in this fourth generation. This is indeed the last generation where the almighty God will take over his world. Father Simon Kimbangu insisted on saying that the lord Jesus Christ was black because he saw and conversed with him. If we go through profound research biblically, you will find out that the Holy spirit is the father of the lord Jesus Christ (Luke1:35). The lord Jesus's coming and his name was predicted before he was born. Father Simon Kimbangu's coming, and his name was predicted before he was born. There is something really spiritual going on here. Just stick around we will get on more explanations. Father Simon Kimbangu is the living reality. Nobody sat down to create any creed on his originality and existence. Because the history is there, the documentations are there, the evidence are there, his images are there. It is easy to believe on lie but hard to believe on the truth. The lord Jesus Christ was black. The truth will come out one day willing or not.